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Dealing with unwanted facial hair can be frustrating; I get it. As someone with PCOS, I've struggled for years with facial hair growth and finding solutions that actually work. The harsh reality is that for us, waxing and threading provide only temporary solutions and laser hair removal is expensive.
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Have you ever looked at the shaving creams and razors your guy uses and wondered if they might work for you too? You're not alone. You may be considering tackling shaving your face due to unwanted facial hair or even hormonal hair growth, and there are tools that can make the process smooth.
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For many women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), excess facial hair can be a frustrating and confidence-sapping symptom. The hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS can trigger unwanted hair growth in areas like the upper lip, chin, and sideburns. While shaving, waxing, and tweezing offer temporary solutions, they can also cause irritation and ingrown hairs. So, what if there was a natural way to address the root cause of PCOS facial hair and achieve smoother?

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Hirsutism refers to the growth of coarse, dark body hair in women, especially in areas where men tend to have hair growth like the face, chest and back. It's caused by excess male sex hormones called androgens. If you're struggling with male-patterned hair growth, Hirsutism oil could be the perfect solution.
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Keep reading to find out how I drastically reduced my Hirsutism naturally in just a few short months. This discovery gave me back my self-esteem and the freedom to leave the house without layers of makeup - and it can do the same for you.

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If you're anything like me, you know that getting a facial feels like such a treat. However, if you struggle...

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You've had enough of the daily shaving and waxing routine and your razors and waxing kits are getting expensive. There has to be an easier and more budget-friendly way to get rid of that stubborn facial hair, right? Well, look no further than facial hair reduction oil. 
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PCOS girls: Let's talk about facial hair. No shame if you love to rock a beard, but some of us feel most comfortable with a clean slate. Forget those awkward wax strips or that horrendous razor burn– we're here to introduce you to your new BFF: the shave stick. 
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If you're like me, you've been on a facial hair removal journey for quite some time. I'm willing to bet you've tried almost everything to combat your facial hair, including electrolysis. I don't know about you, but enduring the pain of being zapped in the face over and over is not my favorite way to spend a Saturday afternoon. 
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Have you been struggling with facial hair reduction or male-patterned hair growth? If you've tried waxing, tweezing, shaving, and maybe even electrolysis, but they're just not cutting it, I have a challenge for you. In just 60 days, you could see a significant reduction in facial hair growth. What would that mean for you?
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Hello readers! I just wanted to document and share my progress using my Hair Reducing Fade Oil- my all natural hair growth inhibitor for excessive facial hair. I shared some before and after images on my Facebook Group on June 3, 2020.
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For all you ladies that think having Hirsutism and PCOS is holding you back from finding that person, let me be the one to tell you: you’re overthinking it. There are plenty of us women who have excessive facial hair who have come across great people to love, hold, and pluck our chin hairs. I found mine 7 years ago and I’d love to share my tail of love with ya’ll.
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Let’s face it, the beauty standards for women are ever changing and are nearly impossible to fit into (pun intended). We’re told to be skinny, but not too skinny because only dogs want a bone. We’re told to gain weight, but not too much because we’ll be fat and unhealthy.
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Let me spill the (spearmint) tea ya'll... I tried the famous Spearmint Tea remedy. You know, the miraculous one that everyone always talks about? The same Spearmint Tea that treats acne?
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For someone who struggles from Hirsutism, this is nothing new. I'm sure we’ve all tried just about everything under the sun to get rid of those pesky dark marks of hyperpigmentation. If you have a lot of peach fuzz, I'm guessing you don't really have this problem.
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Listen, now I'm not going to copy and paste what you would typically see on the internet. I'm just gonna give you my scope on what it's like to have this BS called Hirsutism.
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